Hanoi University of Science and Technology has long been a reputable partner in international projects with great investment such as projects under the Network of Southeast Asian Technical Universities (AUN / SEED-Net), EU funded projects (FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020, Erasmus, Erasmus + ...), World Bank project, ASAHI project (Japan) ... Besides, Hanoi University of Science and Technology also actively participates in bilateral cooperation projects among Universities and Enterprises.
UK partners
UK | UK Season 2023

In the framework of UK Season 2023, supported by the British Council, HUST has implemented 03 projects:

1. Project "UK-Vietnam Research and Industry Workshop and Roundtable on the Natural Disaster Mitigation and Transition to Net Zero Pollution"
  • Partner(s): Imperial College London, UK

2. Project "Boosting Creative Entrepreneurship through the UK-VN Innovation & Entrepreneurship Training Network to Tackle Climate Change"
  • Partner(s): University of Leeds, UK
3. Project "Immersive Learning for Climate Action in ELT: Audio-visual Exhibition and Teaching Resources"
  • Partner(s): Plymouth Marjon University, UK
UK | Towards excellence in research and knowledge transfer: a global partnership approach
  • Partners: Portsmouth University, Bournemouth University (UK), HUST and other Vietnamese Universities
  • Duration: 12/2021 - 03/2024
  • Brief Introduction: The proposed project will be a consortium funded under Strand 3A/3B with a specific focus on research and knowledge transfer, contributing to the MOET Higher Education Strategy/Master Plan 2021–2035 (with a vision for 2045). This project will achieve the following:
    • develop a framework for assessment of research and knowledge transfer, and jointly develop institutional TRIKT metrics together with other consortia funded under Strand 3A/3B
    • support Vietnamese universities to achieve excellence in research and knowledge transfer as informed by the framework 
    • enhance student outcomes through educational models driven by research and knowledge transfer help position Vietnam as a key global player in the HE landscape
UK | Enabling an Environment of Quality for International HE Partnerships between the UK and Vietnam
  • Partners: Cardiff Met, QAA (UK), Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Vietnam National University Hanoi, and HUST
  • Duration: 01/2022 - 03/2024
  • Brief Introduction: The overarching objective of the EQUIP project is to facilitate the international recognition of Higher Education qualifications in Vietnam. This is achieved by creating an enabling environment that supports deepened participation in educational partnerships between the UK and Vietnam, fostering transnational educational cooperation and encouraging students to study abroad. The project builds on the success of prior collaborations between Cardiff Metropolitan University and Vietnamese institutions.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a focal point, with the project concentrating on assessing professional qualification standards in AI and computer science. The initiative will contribute to the professional development of lecturers, featuring a two-phase training program: phase 1 targets lecturers in the AI/computer science department, while phase 2 extends to all lecturers.

    The EQUIP project aims to develop a community of practice, fostering effective and long-term cooperation between UK and Vietnamese universities. Key to the project is the development of the EQUIP toolkit, which will be disseminated through the UK quality accreditation agency for higher education (QAA) to the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), the Center for Educational Quality Accreditation in Vietnam, and the British Council.
UK | A Mobile and Open learning and networking platform for Science and Engineering (MOSE platform)
  • Partners: Portsmouth University (UK), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China), and HUST
  • Duration: 04/2021 - 12/2025
  • Brief Introduction: The MOSE platform will offer three inter-connected target outcomes:
    • A mobile app – We shall carry out a review of the research skill development curricula and the current online resources available in the partner institutions and elsewhere in the internet. This will allow us to develop the “microlearning” content addressing the specific needs of students. Cloud-based technologies will be employed to interact with apps which can be installed in Android as well as Apple IOS phones. We will examine the technical specifications of the proposed app to ensure accessibility. 
      We shall employ various strategies to promote student engagement, such as push notifications, gamification, and interactive activities such as quizzes. We shall include features to promote active, peer learning, connecting students from different countries to work together. The aim is to promote their transferable skills (communications and teamwork), developing them as global citizens and enhancing their employability. In addition, we shall embed a search engine in the app to allow the students to look for learning and research resources (e.g. research articles in repositories, computing codes) which can accelerate their research.
      A mobile learning authoring tool (e.g. EdApp - edapp.com) will be employed to develop the app. This will minimise the programming effort, and allow us to focus on the pedagogic development. We shall also employ the learning management system (LMS) of the authoring tool to manage the app content and monitor the analytics and tracking of usage and engagement.
    • A virtual training hub – We shall develop the research supervision and digital skills of academics and early career researchers. This will be achieved by online workshops, to be delivered by senior academics and invited guests. The training provided by the hub will help academics develop learning materials for the mobile app.
    • A collaborative network – We shall develop a network of academics and early career researchers through a discussion forum and the peer interface of the mobile app. Through this network, we will promote joint student project supervision, grant applications and staff/student exchange. The network will also offer a virtual mentorship scheme which allows early career researchers to be paired with senior academics to develop supervision and teaching skills.
UK | GCRF - Multi-disciplinary network platform to assess value chain opportunity for plant-based protein by upcycling food wastes and improving food safety


  • Partners: NRI-University of Greenwich (UK), Royal University of Agriculture (Cambodia), Loikaw University (Myanmar), HUST, and other industrial organizations
  • Duration: 01/2021 - 12/2022
  • Brief Introduction: Evolving food demands require sustainable protein sources having minimal environmental impact and health benefits. Minimizing losses and contamination across the agri-food value chain should be considered in tandem to enhance resource efficiency and understand trade-offs. Regionally, rice and maize are primary sources of calories and contribute to the protein uptake but remains a major exposure route of Arsenic and other trace contaminants in Vietnam and associated countries in SE Asia. Moreover, there are considerable loss and waste across rice and maize value chains in this region contributing to the inefficient use of resources. 
    The proposed network will support interdisciplinary collaboration between UK and Vietnam to (a) improve the resource efficiency by obtaining protein-rich fraction from rice and maize wastes and loss and (b) minimize soil/water contamination to prevent the uptake of Arsenic to deliver product safety. In tandem, detailed LCA based modeling will identify the key value chain complexity. Thus, upcycling rice and maize waste including reduction of Arsenic contamination can maximize value of renewable protein thereby further improve eco-efficiency and resilience. Price wise, proteins containing side-streams/by-products are 10-20x less compared to the corresponding market value of proteins concentrate/isolates. So, suitable biorefinery approaches for protein/bioactive isolation from the renewable biomass streams seems to be a commercially viable option. Value chain analysis and novel technology scouting will shape zero-waste valorization strategy to produce plant protein from by-products. This will deliver both high value food (from edible portion) and non-food (e.g. bioplastics, biopesticides, soil amendments, etc. from inedible portion) applications.


UK | GCRF - CATALYST: Transforming resilience across water and food systems
  • Partners: Cardiff University (UK), HUST and other Brazilian, Eastern countries
  • Duration: 12/2020 - 08/2021
  • Brief Introduction
    • Evidence of the mounting cost of the Anthropocene surrounds us. Recent estimates suggest that one-fifth of countries across the world are at risk of ecosystem collapse owing to the destruction of wildlife and habitats. The wider implications and costs of ecosystem degradation has also been brought into stark relief by the global Covid-19 pandemic. Yet many populations still lack access to basic services, such as water, with social, economic and environmental implications. CATALYST is an ambitious, short-duration, project that is intended to advance understanding and capabilities across the nexus of water-food and resilience.
    • Our vision is to strengthen the capacity for impactful research which promotes the resilience of societies in LMICs to positively navigate major systemic shocks. Through our focus on water and food systems we aim to actively build knowledge that stimulates novel solutions to delivering Sustainable Development Goals at scale. CATALYST lays the foundations for a credible and respected global network of closely-integrated institutions working towards shared ambitions.
    • Our principal objective is to addresses key socio-economic and environmental challenges in (urban) water management and the interconnection of human, animal and environmental health and wellbeing. Led by local partners, CATALYST focuses initially on research in Brazil, Eastern Africa and Vietnam, addressing identified local needs. In doing so CATALYST contributes to the UK’s GCRF priority areas of clean air, water and sanitation (Equitable Access to Sustainable Development), resilience and action on short-term and long-term environmental change and sustainable cities and communities (both Sustainable Economies and Societies). CATALYST also contributes to a number of the Sustainable Development Goals, most notably SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) andSDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). Our secondary objective is to develop an international inter-disciplinary community focused on socio-environmental resilience and we welcome those who wish to engage with our work. Finally, we are looking to boost the capacity of those involved in CATALYST to contribute to future research agendas through supporting their ability to engage in substantive collaborative research projects
UK | GCRF- A Community-Centred Educational Model for developing Social Resilience (ACES): Playfulness towards an inclusive, safe and resilient society


  • Partners: Open University (UK) and HUST
  • Duration: 04/2021 - 12/2025
  • Brief Introduction: The MOSE platform will offer three inter-connected target outcomes:
    • A mobile app – We shall carry out a review of the research skill development curricula and the current online resources available in the partner institutions and elsewhere in the internet. This will allow us to develop the “microlearning” content addressing the specific needs of students. Cloud-based technologies will be employed to interact with apps which can be installed in Android as well as Apple IOS phones. We will examine the technical specifications of the proposed app to ensure accessibility. 
      We shall employ various strategies to promote student engagement, such as push notifications, gamification, and interactive activities such as quizzes. We shall include features to promote active, peer learning, connecting students from different countries to work together. The aim is to promote their transferable skills (communications and teamwork), developing them as global citizens and enhancing their employability. In addition, we shall embed a search engine in the app to allow the students to look for learning and research resources (e.g. research articles in repositories, computing codes) which can accelerate their research.
      A mobile learning authoring tool (e.g. EdApp - edapp.com) will be employed to develop the app. This will minimise the programming effort, and allow us to focus on the pedagogic development. We shall also employ the learning management system (LMS) of the authoring tool to manage the app content and monitor the analytics and tracking of usage and engagement.
    • A virtual training hub – We shall develop the research supervision and digital skills of academics and early career researchers. This will be achieved by online workshops, to be delivered by senior academics and invited guests. The training provided by the hub will help academics develop learning materials for the mobile app.
    • A collaborative network – We shall develop a network of academics and early career researchers through a discussion forum and the peer interface of the mobile app. Through this network, we will promote joint student project supervision, grant applications and staff/student exchange. The network will also offer a virtual mentorship scheme which allows early career researchers to be paired with senior academics to develop supervision and teaching skills.
UK | Newton Fund - Circular Economy Knowledge Hub: Promoting Multi-Disciplinary Research, Capacity Building and Leadership
  • Partners: Aston University (UK), Danang University, VNUK, and HUST (School of Environmental Science and Technology)
  • Duration: 01/2020 - 06/2021
UK | Leadership and Governance Project
  • Partners: Global Wales, Cardiff (UK), Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Vietnam National University Hanoi, and HUST
  • Duration: 01/2022 - 03/2024
  • Brief Introduction: The overarching objective of the EQUIP project is to facilitate the international recognition of Higher Education qualifications in Vietnam. This is achieved by creating an enabling environment that supports deepened participation in educational partnerships between the UK and Vietnam, fostering transnational educational cooperation and encouraging students to study abroad. The project builds on the success of prior collaborations between Cardiff Metropolitan University and Vietnamese institutions.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a focal point, with the project concentrating on assessing professional qualification standards in AI and computer science. The initiative will contribute to the professional development of lecturers, featuring a two-phase training program: phase 1 targets lecturers in the AI/computer science department, while phase 2 extends to all lecturers.

    The EQUIP project aims to develop a community of practice, fostering effective and long-term cooperation between UK and Vietnamese universities. Key to the project is the development of the EQUIP toolkit, which will be disseminated through the UK quality accreditation agency for higher education (QAA) to the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), the Center for Educational Quality Accreditation in Vietnam, and the British Council.
UK | Newton Fund - Establishing a sustainable research structure in Internet of Things toward a resilient Vietnamese society and future cities
  • Partners: University of Liverpool (UK), and HUST (School of Electronics and Telecommunication)
  • Duration: 2018 - 2019
  • Brief Introduction: Vietnam is an agricultural country with very dense population in big cities where we seek to build human capacity in Internet of Things (IoT) technologies that can bring more productive, sustainable and efficient agriculture and aquaculture production and also environmental resilience for the country.

    The project disseminated knowledge to more than 200 professionals and students through a summer course and workshops;  promoted various IoT applications such as for smart irrigation in agriculture, air pollution monitoring in the city, water pollution monitoring for efficient aquaculture,  radiation detection under mines, detection of forest fires, efficient transmission over IoT channels;  supported to train five staff at the University of Liverpool and to publish five IEEE conference papers and 1 ISI-indexed/ Q2-ranked journal.

    The project positioned the UK as a leader in developing entrepreneurial high-tech infrastructure; this was achieved by fostering close academic engagement with selected industry sectors in Vietnam. These areas provide a rich environment to examine mechanisms for building safe and secure IT/ IoT Infrastructure that is also open to all. The resulting research increased the international profile and reach for the UK institutions, opening up further opportunities for long-term collaborations.
US partners
US | Knowledge-based exchange for Path Planning Problems
  • Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Huynh Thi Thanh Binh, School of Information and Communication Technology, HUST
  • Funding body: Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG)
  • Duration: 2023-2025
US | Doping of 1D and 2D materials towards nanoelectronic and gas sensing devices: understanding the fundamental properties towards application in environmental monitoring and exhaled breath
  • Principal investigator: Prof. Nguyen Duc Hoa, School of Materials Science and Engineering, HUST
  • Duration: 09/2022 - 09/2025
  • Brief Introduction: Doping of materials alter their electronic structures, physical and optical properties, as well as gaseous adsorption capability, thus enabling the new nanoelectronic and gas nanosensor devices. Here, we target to the controlled synthesis and doping of one-dimensional (1D) metal oxides (WO3, SnO2, ZnO), and two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) to explain the role of doping elements to the fundamental properties of the host materials. Doping of 1D and 2D materials with various noble metal elements will be carried out by ion implantation method and/or in-situ doping during synthesis of materials. We will combine the experimental studies and the theoretical calculation via density functional theory (DFT) for understanding the materials phenomena, where the effects of dopants are emphasized. The 1D and 2D materials will be prepared with controlled synthesis pathways by means of chemical vapor deposition, electrospinning, hydrothermal methods, and/or mechanical exfoliation. The 1D and 2D materials will be implanted/doped with different ions
    (e.g. Co2+, Ni2+, Pt2+, Pd2+, Ag+, etc.) by means of the 5SDH-2 Pelletron accelerator or in-situ growth doping method. Physicochemical and gas sensing properties of the implanted materials will be studied for understanding the new fundamental characteristics and gas sensing mechanisms. We hypothesize that the new phenomena of doped materials enable the fabrication of high-performance gas nanosensors with small size, low power consumption, low gas detection limit, high sensitivity, and high selectivity based on novel design of implanted 1D and 2D materials will be achieved to open a new strategic application in environmental monitoring and exhaled breath analysis.
US | Decentralised water resource circulation as a sustainable solution for plantation
  • Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Hoang Thi Thu Huong, School of Chemistry and Life Sciences, HUST
  • Funding body: USAID
  • Partner(s): Purdue University and HUST
  • Duration: 2021-2023
  • Brief Introduction: Surface water quality in Vietnam faces direct degradation. Domestic wastewater accounts for a large proportion of the total generates among pollutants discharged into the environment. However, only a small part of domestic wastewater is being been collected and treated correctly. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that do not locate in the Industrial zone or urban area face difficulty facilitating advanced wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) to treat municipal wastewater to meet acceptable standards. Schools, educational, and other social services usually operate without WWTP except for simple septic tanks.
    The project "Decentralised water resource circulation as a sustainable solution for plantation" is proposed by the team from the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, aiming to develop practices that promote Decentralized water circulation to reuse water and nutrients in domestic wastewater to support greenifying local area without excessively exploiting the local natural resource. Effective measures and practices can conceivably change local water usage in different communities.
    Results of the project
    • 01 model of domestic wastewater collection and treatment for a garment company that can be transferred according to the actual number of workers, providing water and nutrients for plants on the premises. The goal is to reduce clean water consumption, reduce emissions into receiving water bodies, and recover nutrients for use in plants.
    • 01 model of domestic wastewater collection and treatment for an educational institution. The treatment system combines with water reuse to serve watering trees and combines the design of an educational model on saving/reusing/protecting water resources and protecting biodiversity for students. .
    • 02 sets of documents guiding the treatment and reuse of domestic wastewater in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and educational institutions. Establish training courses for small and medium enterprises and the educational community to disseminate the concept of circular wastewater reuse.
    • Implement promotional campaigns through mass media, scientific publications and participate in policy dialogue to promote a circular approach to water resources with a decentralized model.
US | Edge intelligence-based hand gesture recognition using wearable multimodal sensors for human machine interaction
  • Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Tran Thi Thanh Hai, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST
  • Funding body: US AFOSR (Air Force Office of Scientific Research)
  • Duration: 2020-2022
  • Brief Introduction: The project proposes a simple and effective technique for realizing a predefined set of hand gestures:
    • Designing sets of hand gestures to convey basic control commands of household electrical appliances, in which, each hand movement is a series of hand shapes with closed cycle.
    • Proposing and developing an effective learning scheme based on parametric exploration, supporting hand detection system with high accuracy and real-time response. Hence, proposing an effective solution to segment the hand gesture from successive series of images using the selected features of hand shapes.
    • Proposing and developing a method of dynamic hand gesture combined with spatial features based on manifold representations (ISOMAP) with time features. The new performance space helps separate gestures clearly, thus improving the efficiency of recognition problems.
    • Proposing a solution of phase synchronization in the performance space. The solution clarifies the problems relating to speed of hand gesture; or varying the number of frames per gesture; hence improving the efficiency of recognition problems.
    • On the basis of contents of a research report, implementing control systems for household electrical appliances. The system met the requirements for identification accuracy, real-time response.
US | Visible-light-driven photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants based on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with graphene oxide (GOs), graphene quantum dots (GQDs)
  • Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Tran Thuong Quang, School of Chemistry and Life Sciences, HUST
  • Funding body: US Army Research Lab, US Army International Research Center – Asia Pacific
  • Duration: 2020-2022
  • Brief Introduction: This project aims to synthesize a novel and efficient metal-organic framework (MOF)/graphene oxide (GO) and MOF/graphene quantum dot (GQDs) composites as photocatalysts for degrading pollutants. Organic contamination by visible light. The goal is to synthesize optimized MOF/GO and MOF/GQD materials. Composite catalysts will be applied to water filtration processes.
    Photocatalysis based on MOFs is being actively researched as a potential technology in light harvesting and utilization processes in the visible region. In this work, a new type of MOFs material modified with GQDs and GOs will be synthesized via hydrothermal method or mixing method. The MOF/GOs and MOF/GQDs composite samples will be characterized using FESEM, EDS, FTIR, XRD, BET and TGA. Aldicarb, carbo furan, paraquat, methomyl, methamidophos, turbufos, fenamiphos, methyl parathion, fluoroacetate, acrolein, nicotine, acylonitrile, phenol, trichlorethylene and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid will be used to investigate the photocatalytic activity of the catalyst. The concentration of organic pollutants will be detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), LC-MS and UV-V1S. The effects of catalyst dosage, initial contaminant concentration and pH on the degradation will be studied. The present study will demonstrate that the photocatalytic properties of MOFs can be improved by fabricating hybrid photocatalysts based on different types of MOFs. In this project, new photocatalysts will be synthesized to effectively decompose organic pollutants and can be applied to water filtration.
US | Multitasking Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimizing Artificial Neural Network and Graph-Based Models
  • Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Huynh Thi Thanh Binh, School of Information and Communication Technology, HUST
  • Funding body: US Army Research Lab, US Army International Research Center – Asia Pacific
  • Duration: 2019-2021
  • Brief Introduction: The broad objectives of this project:
    • Conduct fundamental research to analyze and prove the convergence properties of multitasking optimization algorithms under many basic optimization problems. Learned properties and other observations will lay the foundation on developing efficient modeling techniques. In particular, these techniques include transforming domain-specific problems to a unified search space and developing meta-heuristics on that space.
    • Further in-depth research will be applied to integrate multitask optimization in many case studies of combinatorial and continuous optimization problems. For instance, we choose Cluster Shortest Path Tree (CLUSPT), an NP-hard problem, as the case study in combinatorial optimization. Other practical problems in designing Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) having the nature representation on graph will also be addressed together. Additionally, Contractor will address the problem inefficiencies in training an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) by reusing knowledge in relevant training processes.
Erasmus+ KA1
Erasmus+ KA1 with University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
  • Partners: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca
  • Duration: 2021 - 2023
  • Brief Introduction: The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca is the successor of the prestigious Higher School of Agriculture of Cluj, founded 145 years ago, in October 1869, under the name of Institute of Agronomic Studies, Cluj-Manastur. In 1906, the Institute reached the Academy level, becoming the Academy of Agriculture of Cluj.
Erasmus+ KA1 with Vilnius Tech (Lithuania)
  • Partners: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University – VILNIUS TECH
  • Duration: 2020 - 2023
  • Brief Introduction: Vilnius Gediminas technical university (VILNIUS TECH) is an innovative Lithuanian university that prepares creative and highly qualified specialists. The university is a leader in the field of technological sciences with modern and labour market-oriented approach to studies. Scientific research and experimantal development projects are carried out in 13 institutes, 3 scientific centers. 22 research laboratories. 
Erasmus+ KA1 with "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse (Bulgaria)
  • Partners: "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse
  • Duration: 2022 - 2027
  • Brief Introduction: ​​​​​​"Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse is an autonomous state higher school in Bulgaria. It was transformed with a Decision of the People's Assembly of 21 June 1995 and is a successor of the higher technical school, established in Ruse on 12.11.1945. There are eight faculties in the structure of the University: Agrarian and Industrial Faculty, Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Electronics and Automation, Faculty of Transport, Faculty of Business and Management, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare, two Branches of Ruse University in Silistra and Razgrad and a Bulgarian and Romanian Inter-university Europa Centre.
Erasmus+ KA2 | DIGITAL MOVE Project
  • Partners: The DIGITAL-MOVE project has a total of 13 universities participating in the project, including 4 institutes and schools of Mongolia (CITI University, Mongolian University of Life Sciences, Otoch Manramba University - Otoch Manramba University, and Erdenet Institute of Technology) and 2 universities in Europe (Université Côte d'Azur - Université Côte d'Azur (France) and the Technical University of Kosice - Technical University of Kosic (Slovakia)). On the Vietnamese side, there are 7 participating universities, including Tay Nguyen University, University of Danang, Nha Trang University, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Can Tho University, Quy Nhon University, and Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics.
  • Duration: 2023 - 2026
  • Brief Introduction
The DIGITAL-MOVE project is part of the European Community (EC) support program to strengthen the capacity of higher education institutions in developing countries. The project is built to achieve the main goals such as: developing a digital transformation culture in higher education institutions of Mongolia and Vietnam; promoting a culture of digital transformation; developing digital soft skills for lecturers, students, specialists, and managers through courses and training courses…).

The project is implemented from February 2023 to February 2026, with a total budget of 783,570 EURO, of which Nha Trang University directly benefits: 58,016 EURO. The project aims to achieve major results such as 7 universities in Vietnam and 4 universities in Mongolia have improved digital transformation capacity; 10 subjects on digital transformation for undergraduate students and 06 subjects for graduate students in the field of digital transformation have been updated and newly built for teaching at higher education institutions; 400 turns of students, 100 turns of lecturers, 100 turns of officials and 30 turns of leaders and managers trained and trained in digital transformation at higher education institutions; 2 digital events were held in Vietnam and Mongolia; 01 guiding document to promote digital transformation, 01 document on teaching/learning methods in the digital environment at higher education institutions (handbook) and 01 policy report on digital transformation published by 2 languages Vietnamese and Mongolian.

Visit HERE for more news and information about DIGITAL MOVE – Vietnam HEIs website

Erasmus+ KA2 | GREENUS Project
GREENUS (GREEN waste management new edUcation System for recycling and environmental protection in asia) is an Erasmus+ project funded by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) under the Key Action 2 (Capacity building in the field of higher education) with the participation of 3 partners from Europe, 2 partners from Myanmar, 3 partners from Vietnam, and 11 associate partners, coordinated by Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).

GREENUS will contribute to improving the current situation in the Partner Countries by: building capacity for academic excellence in training in environmental studies, identifying solutions and create more access and opportunity for all students, and creating new market job opportunities.

Visit HERE for more news and information about GREENUS
AUN/SEED-Net | Concept development for an affordable air disinfection device for inactivating pathogenic viral aerosols used in highly occupied areas such as meeting room, classroom, hospita
  • Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Minh Tan, School of Chemistry and Life Sciences, HUST
  • Funding body: AUN/SEED-Net
  • Duration: 02020 - 2022
  • Brief Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first reported in December 2019 and then characterized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Human-to-human transmission of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) occurs via droplets (by direct or indirect contact), and viral droplets can survive on various surfaces for at least 3 hours. Given the rapid spread of the disease, including through asymptomatic carriers, it is of clear importance to explore practical mitigation technologies that can inactivate the airborne virus in public locations and thus limit airborne transmission.

    We propose a new disinfection device, which uses high-intensity UV radiation to irradiate the circulating air inside the device to achieve the purpose of air disinfection with the coexistence of human and the disinfection device. Besides, the disinfection device should also achieve high disinfection efficiency in high humid climates like subtropical and tropical regions characterized by high relative humidity all year round (70% to 90%).The deployment of the novel air disinfection device stands to have an intense impact on both essential workers and the general public in the current COVID-19 pandemic, as well as reducing the risk of exposure to other airborne highly infectious agents, both known and unknown. This innovation will (a) improve the safety for frontline workers in essential industries by minimizing the risk of COVID-19 exposure, (b) make it possible for nonessential workers to safely return to public workspaces by reducing their risk of exposure, and (c) allow for the general public to more safely re-engage with their communities. It would enable resilience in the battle against COVID-19, in which the front lines are everywhere and rapidly changing because it can reduce the risk of indoor COVID-19 transmission and help us to approach the new normal life and will be therefore a useful addition in the armamentarium of technologies available to combat future pandemics
AUN/SEED-Net | Research and Development a ventilator that uses indirect air pump technology for COVID patient health care
  • Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Phan Anh Tuan, School of Mechanical Engineering, HUST
  • Funding body: AUN/SEED-Net
  • Duration: 2020 - 2022
  • Brief Introduction: The limited supply of ventilators is one of the chief concerns facing hospitals as they prepare for more COVID-19 cases in the world. In March 2019, in Italy, where hospitals have been overwhelmed with patients in respiratory failure, doctors have had to make difficult
    life-or-death decisions about who gets a ventilator and who does not. In the U.S., emergency plans developed by states for a shortage of ventilators include using positive airway pressure machines - like those used to treat sleep apnea - to help hospitalized people with less severe breathing issues. In other countries, such as UK, Spain, Japan, etc. during the COVID-19 health care, ventilators are not enough.
    During the mission to deal with the COVID-19 in Vietnam, the principle investigator and his research group at Hanoi University of Science and Technology had designed and created a ventilator under a BK-Vent university project within 1 month in March, 2020. The ventilator
    uses an AMBU during operating. Below is the link of our first ventilator prototype. 
    The second prototype is upgraded without using the AMBU. The ventilator will use indirect flow from an air pump.
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