ASEAN University Network (AUN) recognises the importance of quality in higher education, and the need to develop a holistic quality assurance system to raise academic standards and enhance education, research and service among its member universities. In 1998, it mooted the AUN-QA Network which led to the development of AUN-QA models. Since then, the network has been promoting, developing, and implementing quality assurance practices based on an empirical approach where quality assurance practices are tested, evaluated, improved and shared
The fundamental principles described in the ISO 19011 standard are relevant to self-assessment and AUN-QA assessment: Three of the principles that relate to the conduct of the assessors are:
• Ethical conduct – the foundation of professionalism;
• Fair presentation – the obligation to report truthfully and accurately; and
• Due professional care – the application of diligence and judgment to assessment.
Two other principles that relate to the assessment process are:
Adherence to these fundamental principles is a prerequisite for providing a reliable and relevant assessment process and outcome.
AUN-QA Criteria:
Criterion 1 - Expected Learning Outcomes
Criterion 2 - Programme Specification
Criterion 3 - Programme Structure and Content
Criterion 4 - Teaching and Learning Approach
Criterion 5 - Student Assessment
Criterion 6 - Academic Staff Quality
Criterion 7 - Support Staff Quality
Criterion 8- Student Quality and Support
Criterion 9 - Facilities and Infrastructure
Criterion 10 - Quality Enhancement
Criterion 11 - Output
ABET accreditation is not a ranking system. It is a form of quality assurance for programs in the areas of applied and natural science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology. ABET accreditation is recognized globally as evidence that a program meets the standards set by its technical profession.
ABET offer accreditation to programs only, not to degrees, departments, colleges, institutions, or individuals.
ABET is a federation of member professional and technical societies. These societies and their individual members collaborate through ABET to develop standards of quality, known as ABET Criteria, on which ABET review teams base their evaluations of programs under consideration for accreditation.
Criterion 1 - Students
Criterion 2 - Program Educational Objectives
Criterion 3 - Student Outcomes
Criterion 4 - Continuous Improvement
Criterion 5 - Curriculum
Criterion 6 - Faculty
Criterion 7 - Facilities
Criterion 8 - Institutional Support
3. IET
The Institution of Engineering and Technology was formed in 2006 by the joining together of the IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers) and the IIE (Institution of Incorporated Engineers).
The IET Accreditation is the process of reviewing an engineering programme - be it a course of study, a graduate scheme or an apprenticeship - to judge whether or not it meets a defined set of standards.
Each programme considered for accreditation by the IET will be reviewed against the following criteria. To gain accreditation the programmes will need to comply with all our Accreditation Requirements, and will be expected to align, where possible with our Accreditation Guidance. The programmes should meet the criteria listed below:
Criterion 1 - Programme Aims, Learning Outcomes and Content
Criterion 2 - Achievement of AHEP Learning Outcomes
Criterion 3 – Assessment
Criterion 4 – Projects
Criterion 5 - Student Support and Staffing
Criterion 6 - Resources and Facilities
Criterion 7 - Quality Assurance and Enhancement
4. CTI
The Commission des titres d’ingénieur (CTI) was established by Law in 1934 (French Education Code, Article L.642-2 and following). The CTI is the French relevant body in charge of carrying out periodical evaluation procedures that lead to the accreditation of the French institutions to award the engineering degree “titre d’ingénieur diplômé” in France and abroad.
The various missions of the CTI have evolved over the years, mainly include: Periodic evaluation of all engineering programmes offered by French higher education institutions across the country, that leads to the accreditation of the institutions to award the engineering degree; On request of the institutions and relevant governments, evaluation of engineering programmes run by foreign higher education institutions. The positive outcome of a CTI procedure may lead to the recognition of these degrees within France (‘‘Admission par l’Etat’’). This recognition is granted by the French Ministry of Higher Education.
CTI undergoes periodical external reviews in order to check the compliance of its procedures with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) or their compliance with the standards and guidelines of the relevant organisations.
The process is designed in the light of the Guidelines for ENQA Agency Reviewsand in line with the requirements of the EQAR Procedures for Applications.
The evaluation procedure consists of the following steps:
Author: Phòng Quản Lý Chất Lượng
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