The Francophone University Agency

The Francophone University Agency (AUF) brings together 944 universities, colleges, university networks and scientific research centers that use the French language, in 116 countries. Founded almost 60 years ago, it is one of the largest associations of higher education and research institutions in the world. AUF is the official representative of the higher education and research sector at the Francophone Summit. The agency has responsibility for implementing resolutions relating to higher education adopted by the Conference of Heads of State and Government that use French as a common language.



The ASEAN European Academic University Network

The ASEAN European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) is a network of universities, consisting of European and South-East Asian universities with the goal of promoting the continuous internationalization of education and research. ASEA-UNINET was founded in 1994 by universities from Austria, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam as Austrian-South-East Asian University Network and consists today of more than 80 universities from 18 different countries.



ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network

Full operation of AUN/SEED-Net Project started in 2003 with main support from the Japanese Government through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Member Institutions (MIs) and Member Governments. The network of AUN/SEED-Net is composed of 26 Member Institutions from 10 ASEAN countries selected from leading institutions in respective countries. Project activities have been implemented by the Member Institutions and AUN/SEED-Net Secretariat with support from 14 leading Japanese Supporting Universities and JICA Project for AUN/SEED-Net.



Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering

Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering (AOTULE) is a league of top-ranking engineering universities located in the Asia-Oceania region. AOTULE aims to improve the quality of our members’ engineering education and research by forming strong collaborative relationships. AOTULE promotes inter-university cooperation among members through joint programs aimed at broadening participating students’ perspectives through education, research and cross-cultural interactions.



Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network

Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network (GMSARN) enhances the roles and functions of academic and research institutions in the Greater Mekong Subregion to take part in project evaluation and development planning for achieving truly self-reliant and sustainable development of the GMS in the long run. Through multi-disciplinary research and joint activities, various complex problems covering both cross-border issues and other issues that are common to GMS countries are resolved, scientifically and objectively.



South-East Asia Technical Universities Consortium

South-East Asia Technical Universities Consortium (SEATUC) has been established since May 2006 to enhance multilateral academic collaborations among the following eight universities in Asian countries, including Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), King Monkut’s University of Technology Tonburi (KMUTT), Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Institut Tecknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT). The main activities of SEATUC include exchanging student and faculty, holding an academic symposium and enhancing collaborative research works.



UK Vietnam Higher Education Partnership

UK Vietnam Higher Education Partnership (UK-VN HEP) is designed to address the needs of the higher education sector in the UK and Vietnam, particularly the internationalization of higher education (HE) strategy by the Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam. British Council is pleased to invite expressions of interest (EOI) from UK and Vietnam higher education institutions (HEIs) to deliver innovative output-led projects that focus on enhancing approaches to internationalization of higher education. The partnership project will run until December of 2019 and cover one or more of key areas: (1) Leadership and governance; (2) TNE development and quality assurance; (3) University industry link; (4) Research and mobility



Passage To Asean

Passage To Asean (P2A) is a non-profit Network that was officially formed in June 2012 during the First Assembly of Representatives hosted by Rangsit University in Thailand and attended by Norton University of Cambodia, Duy Tan University of Vietnam, The National University of Laos, and Myanmar Computer Institute of Myanmar. During this time, the concepts of P2A were established, which were based on the vision of the ASEAN Charter: “One Vision, One Identity” and creating “one caring and sharing community”. Passage to ASEAN is driven by the need for regional solidarity and a shared responsibility towards people and society as a whole. P2A was initiated with the principle that higher education should be a leader in the development of society.



The Council for Advancement and Support of Education

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) is the global non-profit association dedicated to educational advancement—alumni relations, communications, development, marketing, and advancement services—who share the goal of championing education to transform lives and society. To fulfill their missions and to meet both individual and societal needs, colleges, universities and independent schools rely on-and therefore must foster the good will, active involvement, informed advocacy and enduring support of alumni, donors, prospective students, parents, government officials, community leaders, corporate executives, foundation officers and other external constituencies.

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