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External Quality Assurance

External Quality Assurance

I. Institutional Accreditation

1. Accreditation Organizations
RVB Logo Hce res UKHCERES is the official member of European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and The Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) under the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). HCERES is known as a prestigious education quality accreditation organization in not only France but also in Europe.

HCERES was established under law number 2013-660 dated 22/7/2013 on the basis of the French Agency for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (AERES) and inherited the activities of this agency. HCERES is an independent higher education assessment and accreditation organization that evaluates higher education institutions, research institutions and training programs.

HCERES's set of standards used to evaluate higher education and research institutions abroad includes 6 areas: Strategy and governance (mission, development strategy, organization of strategy implementation, communication). ); training and scientific research (training policy, research, training types to meet learners' needs); training process and career integration orientation (learning environment and training management); foreign regulations; management and administration (financial systems, assets, human resources, information systems); quality and ethics (quality assurance policy, ethics in training and research).

Website: https://www.hceres.fr/en

2. Accreditation Results
HUST has been accredited by The High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES) on June 12th 2017 in the period of 5 years (June, 2017- June 2022).

In November 2023, Hanoi University of Science and Technology has officially achieved the second cycle of accreditation for quality accreditation at the educational institution level from HCERES, French Republic. The accreditation period is 5 years, valid until April 10th 2029.


II. Program Accreditation

1. Assessment & Accreditation Organizations
AUN QA LOGO 2019ASEAN University Network (AUN) recognizes the importance of quality in higher education, and the need to develop a holistic quality assurance system to raise academic standards and enhance education, research and service among its member universities. In 1998, it mooted the AUN-QA Network which led to the development of AUN-QA models. Since then, the network has been promoting, developing, and implementing quality assurance practices based on an empirical approach where quality assurance practices are tested, evaluated, improved and shared.

The fundamental principles described in the ISO 19011 standard are relevant to self-assessment and AUN-QA assessment: Three of the principles that relate to the conduct of the assessors are:
  • Ethical conduct – the foundation of professionalism;
  • Fair presentation – the obligation to report truthfully and accurately; and
  • Due professional care – the application of diligence and judgment to assessment.
Two other principles that relate to the assessment process are:

Independence – the basis for the impartiality and objectivity of the assessment conclusions; and Evidence – the rational basis for reaching reliable and reproducible assessment conclusions in a systematic assessment process. Evidence are based on records and statements of fact or information which are relevant to the assessment criteria and are verifiable.

Website: http://aun-qa.org/

CTi logoThe Commission des titres d’ingénieur (CTI) was established by Law in 1934 (French Education Code, Article L.642-2 and following). The CTI is the French relevant body in charge of carrying out periodical evaluation procedures that lead to the accreditation of the French institutions to award the engineering degree “titre d’ingénieur diplômé” in France and abroad.

CTI undergoes periodical external reviews in order to check the compliance of its procedures with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) or their compliance with the standards and guidelines of the relevant organizations.

Website: https://www.cti-commission.fr/

ASIIN logoThe Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN e.V.) is a non-profit association founded in July 1999. Since then it has provided expert support to German and international universities in the implementation of accreditation procedures on the programme and institutional level. It is a leader nationally and internationally in the accreditation of programmes in engineering, the natural sciences, mathematics, computer sciences as well as in medicine and economics.

ASIIN is supported by an alliance encompassing universities, faculty associations, technical and scientific societies, professional organizations and business associations that are jointly committed to quality development in higher education. The ASIIN Industry Advisory Board supports the formulation of the requirements of professional practice for a modern university education.

Within ASIIN, universities and the business communities work together on an equal footing to develop internationally recognized quality standards; our subject-specific criteria are continuously developed and internationally coordinated in strategic partnership with university faculty associations. ASIIN thereby makes a decisive contribution to ensuring high educational standards and market transparency, while facilitating academic and professional mobility both nationally and internationally.

ASIIN Consult GmbH was founded in 2007 and is 100% owned by ASIIN e.V. It is integrated into the overall ASIIN organization and builds on its experience and expertise. ASIIN Consult complements the range of services of the association by certifying institutions and continuous education programmes, conducting evaluations, providing consulting services to universities, quality assurance agencies and ministries as well as offering workshops and organizing conferences. Furthermore, it is involved in the development of universities and educational systems worldwide.

Website: https://www.asiin.de/en/about-asiin.html

AQAS is a non-profit organisation registered under German law and recognised by all relevant international networks / associations.

AQAS as an institution takes an integral part in the further development of the European Higher Education Area. We are a full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), which represents various European bodies validating or developing quality assurance in HEIs. Therefore, AQAS is committed to act according the “European Standards and Guidelines”, developed by ENQA and further stakeholders in higher education and approved by the ministers in charge of higher education in the EHEA first in 2005 and further (revised) in 2015. AQAS is also a founding member of the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA). In 2004, all members signed a “Code of Good Practice” to ensure fair and transparent accreditation procedures. AQAS is listed in the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR).

With its international commitment, AQAS contributes to the development of new methodologies in the EHEA and can therefore offer wide experience and support for smoother procedures e.g. for the accreditation of Joint Programmes. In addition, AQAS also offers external quality assurance procedures and consulting to HEIs abroad making use of our broad experiences in external quality assurance projects in various regions and countries.
AQAS international accreditation is based on the “Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area” (ESG) as common standards for internal and external quality assurance in learning and teaching.

The ESG have been drafted by several European associations and networks, among them ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education), ESU (European Students’ Union), EUA (European University Association) and EURASHE (European Association of Institutions in Higher Education) and have been agreed upon by all 48 participating European states of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Website: https://www.aqas.eu/

2. Program Accreditation Results
List of accredited programs 
No Name of Program   Accreditation Organizations Accreditation
Result Certificate Number Approval Date Valid until Certificate
1 Communication and computer networks / Truyền thông và Mạng máy tính   AUN-QA 4/2013 Pass AP02HUSTAPR13 06/05/2013 05/05/2018 Link
2 Informatics Industrial - Talented Engineer Training programme (PFIEV) / PFIEV Tin học công nghiệp và TĐH   CTI 2010
Pass   01/09/2010
3 Informatics and telecommunication systems - Talented Engineer Training programme (PFIEV) / PFIEV Hệ thống tin học và truyền thông   CTI 2010
Pass   01/09/2010
4 Aerospace Engineering - Talented Engineer Training programme (PFIEV) / PFIEV Cơ khí Hàng không   CTI 2010
Pass   01/09/2010
5 Advanced Mechatronics Engineering / CTTT Cơ điện tử   AUN-QA 7/2017 Pass AP221HUSTJUL17 06/08/2017 05/08/2022 Link
      ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
6 Advanced Biomedical Engineering / CTTT Kỹ thuật Y sinh   AUN-QA 7/2023 Pass AP1079HUSTJUL2023 27/8/2023 26/8/2028 Link
7 Advanced Materials Science and Engineering / CTTT Khoa học và kỹ thuật Vật liệu   AUN-QA 7/2017 Pass AP223HUSTJUL17 06/08/2017 05/08/2022 Link
      ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
8 Mechatronics Engineering / Kỹ thuật Cơ điện tử   AUN-QA 10/2017
9 Chemical Engineering / Kỹ thuật Hóa học   AUN-QA 10/2017
10 Materials Science and Engineering / Kỹ thuật Vật liệu   AUN-QA 10/2017
11 Electronics and telecommunications Engineering / Kỹ thuật Điện tử - Viễn thông   AUN-QA 10/2017
12 Transport Mechanical Engineering / Kỹ thuật cơ khí động lực   AUN-QA 6/2019 Pass AP430HUSTJUN19 27/03/2019 26/03/2025 Link
13 Electrical Engineering / Kỹ thuật Điện   AUN-QA 6/2019 Pass AP429HUSTJUN19 27/03/2019 26/03/2025 Link
14 Control Engineering and Automation / Kỹ thuật Điều khiển và Tự động hóa    AUN-QA 6/2019 Pass AP428HUSTJUN19 27/03/2019 26/03/2025 Link
15 Bio Engineering / Kỹ thuật Sinh học   AUN-QA 6/2019 Pass AP431HUSTJUN19 27/03/2019 26/03/2025 Link
16 Aviation Engineering / Kỹ thuật Hàng không   AUN-QA 9/2021 Pass AP703HUSTSEP21 24/10/2021 23/10/2026 Link
17 Food Engineering / Kỹ thuật Thực phẩm   AUN-QA 9/2021 Pass AP705HUSTSEP21 24/10/2021 23/10/2026 Link
18 Mechanical Engineering / Kỹ thuật Cơ khí   AUN-QA 9/2021 Pass AP704HUSTSEP21 24/10/2021 23/10/2026 Link
19 Chemistry / Hóa học   AUN-QA 9/2021 Pass AP706HUSTSEP21 24/10/2021 23/10/2026 Link
20 Textile Engineering / Kỹ thuật Dệt   AUN-QA 12/2021 Pass AP807HUSTDEC21 24/01/2022 23/01/2027 Link
21 Environmental Engineering / Kỹ thuật Môi trường   AUN-QA 12/2021 Pass AP805HUSTDEC21 24/01/2022 23/01/2027 Link
22 Printing Engineering / Kỹ thuật In   AUN-QA 12/2021 Pass AP804HUSTDEC21 24/01/2022 23/01/2027 Link
23 Engineering Physics / Vật lý Kỹ thuật   AUN-QA 12/2021 Pass AP806HUSTDEC21 24/01/2022 23/01/2027 Link
24 Thermal Engineering / Kỹ thuật Nhiệt   AUN-QA 5/2022 Pass AP853HUSTMAY22 27/06/02022 26/06/2027 Link
25 International Professional English / Tiếng anh chuyên nghiệp quốc tế   AUN-QA 5/2022 Pass AP850HUSTMAY22 27/06/02022 26/06/2027 Link
26 Vietnam-Japan Information Technology / CTTT CN Thông tin Việt Nhật   AUN-QA 5/2022 Pass AP851HUSTMAY22 27/06/02022 26/06/2027 Link
27 Mathematics and Informatics Toán tin   AUN-QA 5/2022 Pass AP852HUSTMAY22 27/06/02022 26/06/2027 Link
28 Mechatronics Engineering - NUT program/ Cơ điện tử (liên kết Đại học Nagaoka – Nhật Bản)   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
29 Advanced Control Engineering and Automation / CTTT Kỹ thuật Điều khiển và Tự động hóa   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
30 Advanced Electronics and telecommunications Engineering / CTTT Kỹ thuật Điện tử - viễn thông   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
31 Electronics and telecommunications Engineering - LUH / Kỹ thuật Điện tử - viễn thông (liên kết Đại học Leibniz Hannover)   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
32 Computer Science / Khoa học máy tính   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
33 Computer Engineering / Kỹ thuật máy tính   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
34 Advanced Global ICT /  CTTT Global ICT   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
35 Talented Computer Science / CT Tài năng khoa học máy tính   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
36 Business Administration  / Quản trị kinh doanh   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
37 Economic Management / Quản lý kinh tế   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
38 Industrial Management / Quản lý công nghiệp   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
39 Finance - Banking / Tài chính ngân hàng   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
40 Accounting / Kế toán   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
41 Management  Information System / Hệ thống thông tin quản lý   ASIIN 11/2022 Pass   11/4/2023 30/9/2028 Link
42 English for Science and Technology / Tiếng Anh khoa học và công nghệ   AUN-QA 7/2023 Pass


27/8/2023 26/8/2028 Link
43  Master of Science in Mechatronics Engineering / Thạc sĩ kỹ thuật Cơ điện tử   AUN-QA 7/2023 Pass


27/8/2023 26/8/2028 Link
44 Master of Science in Biotechnology / Thạc sĩ khoa học Công nghệ Sinh học   AUN-QA 7/2023 Pass


27/8/2023 26/8/2028 Link
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