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Quality in higher education is not a simple one-dimensional notion about academic quality. In view of the varied needs and expectations of stakeholders, quality in higher education can be said to be a multi-dimensional concept which should embrace all its functions and activities. It is related to teaching and academic programs, research and scholarship, staffing, students, buildings, facilities, equipment, services to the community and the academic environment. In general, quality assurance in higher education is a systematic management and assessment procedures to monitor performance of higher education institutions.

Recently, the quality assurance and accreditation activities have been considered as priorities in the plan and strategy of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) with the aim of developing and integrating regional and international qualifications in scientific research and training. The task of ensuring the training program quality is particularly concerned in order to that the training objectives align with the expected learning outcomes and enhance international integration with the motto "learner centered teaching". The self-assessment and internal assessment procedures for all undergraduate and graduate programs have been built up and implemented according to National and International standards, ensuring continuous improvement as well as quality enhancement. Accordingly, Scientific research activities of staffs and students would be significantly improved following the University development policies.

Following the revised Higher Education Law which will take effect from July 1st, 2019, not only the training programs, but the whole management system needs to be subject of internal and external assessment to improve the efficiency and quality of management and service activities.


September 30, 2008: Hanoi University of Technology issued Decision No. 1578 / QD-DHBK-TCCB on establishing Center for Quality Assurance - CEQUA to implement the objectives of ensuring the quality of education and scientific research of the University;

October 11, 2018: Quality Assurance Center was renamed to Quality Management Office under Decision No. 2115 / QD-DHBK-TCCB by the President;

On January 29, 2019: new functions and duties of the Quality Management Office were officially issued under Decision No. 272 ​​/ QD-DHBK-TCCB by HUST President of Hanoi University of Technology with the responsibility of building an internal quality assurance system. in the management and administration activities of the University according to national and international standards.


  • To standardize working procedures in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015, improve the quality and efficiency of the University's management activities;
  • To ensure the fields of operation of the University are in line with national standards; to satisfy the international or regional accreditation standards at institutional level;
  • Improve the number and level of program accreditation based on regional and international standards.


  • To develop, guide and supervise the implementation of internal quality assurance system in accordance with ISO 9001-2015 and the accreditation criteria at institutional level as well as program level;
  • To develop internal assessment reports for accreditation at institutional level according to regional and international standards; to support the external assessment;
  • To guide departments to write self-assessment report, organize internal assessment and invite assessors;
  • To perform other duties assigned by the President Board.
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