Following the approved plan for the school year 2018-2019, four undergraduate training programs, including Electrical Engineering, Control Engineering and Automation, Transport Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering, have been self-evaluated at the end of the first quarter of 2019 on the basis of the AUN-QA’s Program Level Criteria and the National Standard (issued by the Ministry of Education & Training - MOET under the Circular 04/2016 / TT-BGDĐT. Accordingly, HUST President signed Decision No. 834 / QD-DHBK-QLCL on April 9th 2019 to establish an internal assessment team led by Assoc. Prof. Tran Van Top - Vice President to carry out the internal quality assessment for the above mentioned training programs from 3th to 15th May 2019.
The assessment process is conducted strictly with the requirements and order in compliance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Training as well as the AUN-QA organization. After evaluating the four Self-Assessment reports and provided document, the assessors conducted on-site assessment, including the following activities: Facility visit, including: Ta Quang Buu Library, Dormitory, Health Center, Sport Center and several classrooms / lecture halls; laboratory tour at three schools; School presentation by Dean; Meeting with the key members and support staffs; Meeting with lecturers and researchers; Meeting with students (from the first year to the fifth year) and alumni, employers. Finally, the assessment team has been reviewed all self-assessment reports for the necessary improvements.
Thus, apart from the development strategy of the University, quality assurance and accreditation are those of concern in order to ensure that the training objectives are aligned with the expected learning outcomes and enhance international integration with the motto "student centered teaching". In the coming time, the self-assessment activities and the internal audit of all undergraduate and graduate programs are planned and implemented according to the national and international standards, ensuring continuous improvement as well as quality enhancement.
Soon, following the revised Higher Education Law which will take effect from July 1st , 2019, not only the training programs, but the whole management system needs to be subject of internal and external assessment to improve the efficiency and quality of management and service activities.
QMO, 15th May, 2019
Author: Phòng Quản Lý Chất Lượng
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