TF-SCALE is back! The DPE is opening the call for application.

Tuesday - 19/03/2024 05:32
The Department of Partnership and Engagement (DPE - Ban Hợp tác Đối ngoại, HUST) would like to open the call for application of the TF-SCALE 2024 - the Temasek Foundation Specialist Community Action and Leadership Exchange 2024.
Promoting mutual understanding, building cross-cultural networks, and developing global leadership skills among TVET students with the potential to be future leaders in ASEAN, this programme is implemented on a buddy system, with 60 ASEAN students and 60 Singapore students (from Temasek Polytechnic, TP) coming together to co-learn in a 4-week engagement. They will be given a submatrix assessment set by the respective polytechnics. Singapore students will co-learn as study buddies. ASEAN and Singapore students will jointly develop and present a project (for community) within the 2 weeks while they are in Singapore, and 2 weeks later (for HUST: 10 - 24 September 2024) while they are in Vietnam.

For the Inbound Program in Singapore: Programme fee, Round-trip airfare ticket, Accommodation for 2 weeks in Singapore, Transportation for the scheduled activities, 3 meals per day, and Insurance are fully sponsored for HUST students. 
  • Number of scholarships for HUST students: 20

For the Outbound Program in Vietnam: Programme fee, Round-trip airfare ticket, Accommodation for 2 weeks in Hanoi, Transportation for the scheduled activities, 3 meals per day, and Insurance are fully sponsored for TP students.

Application Deadline: 26/03/2024
Application Form

  • Dr. Pham Hung Dung | Email: | Room: C1-212, HUST
  • Ms. Phuong Nguyen (Daisy) | Email: | Room: C1-212, HUST

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