Oppotunities for HUST students to join the Deakin University Blue Marble Study Tour

Wednesday - 26/06/2024 03:48
The Department of Partnership and Engagement, HUST would like to share the scholarship opportunities for HUST students who want to participate in the Deakin University Blue Marble Study Tour, which is scheduled from October 6th to October 19th 2024.
Oppotunities for HUST students to join the Deakin University Blue Marble Study Tour

Designed for HUST students who aspire to study a Engineering, IT or similar degree at Deakin University, this immersive study tour offers a range of academic workshops tailored to specific discipline areas and the opportunity to collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds, fostering a global perspective. Students will also participate in a variety of cultural activities that will enable them to experience all that Melbourne and Geelong have to offer.

Program Summary

Program Name

Deakin Blue Marble Study Tour 2024


6 October 2024 - 19 October 2024 (2 weeks)

No. of students

30 in total across selected partner institutions worldwide (students selected via a competitive application process)

Cost Involved

Deakin will cover:

  1. Program fees
  2. Great Ocean Road, Melbourne CBD and Australian cultural and wildlife tours
  3. Accommodation and most meals
  4. Private shuttle transport during the program
  5. Airport transfers (in Australia) and public transport ‘Myki’ card with AUD$35 credit

Students will pay for:

International flights and visa costs

International travel insurance

Extracurricular activities not provided as part of the program

Food and drink at your own will

Shortlisting Criteria

1. Student application questionnaire (including motivation to do the program and ideas for promotion)

2. Discipline area of interest for future study (Architecture and Built Environment, Engineering, Environment and Wildlife, IT and Science)

3. Academic Results (CGPA/GPA)

3. English proficiency level

4. Gender balance

Application close date

14 July 2024

Program Offers

Offers will be made to students from 22 July 2024.

How to Apply
Apply via tnyurl.com/BlueMarble2024 by Sunday 14 July 2024.
Program Poster.
Deakin University Blue Marble Study Tour 2023

Email: sebe-internatonal@deakin.edu.au
Email: anh.dinhhoang@hust.edu.vn (Mr. Hoàng Anh, DPE, HUST)
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