International Visiting Faculty Program welcomes HUST faculty members at various levels for short-term visiting program in IISc, India

Wednesday - 29/05/2024 04:39
The DPE, HUST is pleased to inform that the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc) has announced the "International Visiting Faculty Program" under which IISc welcome foreign faculty members at various levels for short-term visiting program across its departments/centres.
International Visiting Faculty Program welcomes HUST faculty members at various levels for short-term visiting program in IISc, India

The program requires the visiting faculty to identify a host faculty at IISc, where the visit duration shall preferably be from 90 days to 1 year. Visiting faculty will be provided monthly emoluments and round-trip travel expenses to Bangalore.

  • Assistant Professor: Rs. 100,000/- per month 
  • Associate Professor: Rs. 150,000/- per month
  • Professor: Rs. 200,000/- per month

Additional round-trip travel could be supported after completion of 90 days visit. A copy of the program poster is attached for ready reference.
More information: LINK

Contact for support:
- At IISCs: Amita Sneh, PhD, Chief International Officer - Office of International Relations, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Email: and | Tel: +91-80-2293-2560, +91-80-2360-2567
- At HUST: Assoc. Prof. Chu Manh Hung | Email: and Ms. Daisy | Email:

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