Asahi Glass Foundation-Hanoi University of Science and Technology Research Grant 2025

Thursday - 25/07/2024 21:23
Application Deadline:                           28h October 2024
Research Fields:                                    Materials Sciences, Life Sciences, Information Sciences, Environment,
Energy and Social Science
1. Outline The Asahi Glass Foundation has supported overseas research projects at Chulalongkorn
University (CU) in Thailand since 1982, at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in Indonesia
since 1988, at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) in Thailand since
2012 and at Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) in Vietnam since 2020. The
Foundation hopes to contribute, through its programs for promoting science and technology, to the industrial, economical and social progress of Vietnam.
2. Research Fields: The overseas Research Grants provide financial support for outstanding original research projects contributing to the development in science and technology. The major fields of research supported are Materials Sciences, Life Sciences, Information Sciences, Environment, Energy and Social Science
3.  Eligibility: Applicants must be researchers at HUST who are personally engaged in graduate-level research projects in faculties or research institutes respectively affiliated with HUST.
Priority might be given to candidates with doctoral degrees, who have not had ministerial-level equivalent project or higher, the required output is at least one ISI / Scopus paper.
4.  Budget: Applicant should apply proposed budget which will be approximately 5,000-10,000 US dollar per project. Even if applicant is awarded, approved budget might be reduced by the research grant committee of HUST, dependent on total budget.
5. Schedule Application Start: 1st August 2024
Application Deadline: 28th October 2024
Selection by the research grant committee of HUST: Middle of Dec 2024
Results: End of December 2024
6. Remarks (1) After completion of the project, each grant recipient will submit a research report to the Foundation prepared by following a specified format, and the submitted papers will be published in the Report of Grant-Supported Research, The Asahi Glass Foundation, issued annually.
(2) In case, results of grant-supported research are to be published in scientific journals by grant recipients, acknowledgement should be included in the following way:
This research was (partially) supported by the Asahi Glass Foundation.
7. Contact 1. Assoc. Prof. Mac Thi Thoa – Vice Director of Science and Technology Dept.
2. Assoc. Chu Manh Hung –  Vice Director of Partnership and Engagement Dept.
3. Ms. Mai Chi –  Coordinator, Partnership and Engagement Dept.
8. Application form Pls. fill the 2 following forms
Candidate Info:   
Application Form
More information Please refer to the  Solicitation Guideline           
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