PR Material for PGP 2024 Doctor

Information on Scholarship of Doctoral Degree at the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Japan 2024

 02:46 17/11/2023

The Department of Partnership and Engagement announces the Scholarship of Doctoral Degree at the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Japan
Call For Application - Erasmus+ KA1 Université Perpignan Via Domita (France)

Call For Application - Erasmus+ KA1 Université Perpignan Via Domita (France)

 10:03 30/10/2023

The Department of Partnership and Engagement announces the 2nd call for application – Semester 2 2023/2024 under Erasmus+ ICM Project between HUST and University Perpignan Via Domita:
Mẫu đang call website

Call For ERASMUS + KA1 Credit Mobility For HUST Students – "Angel Kanchev" University Of Ruse (Bulgaria)

 23:20 28/08/2023

The External Affairs Office (EAO) would like to announce the Erasmus+ KA1 credit mobility program between Hanoi University of Science and Technology and "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse (Bulgaria) for the Spring Semester of the academic year of 2023-2024 as below:
Call for application: P2A Mobility in United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (P2A VM SDGs)

Call for application: P2A Mobility in United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (P2A VM SDGs)

 04:45 11/08/2023

As part of the P2A network, HUST students are invitied to apply for the scholarships in joining the P2A Mobility in United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (P2A VM SDGs) 2023.
“Summer Seminar 2023” at TOYOTA TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, Japan

“Summer Seminar 2023” at TOYOTA TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, Japan

 07:01 17/05/2023

Toyota Technological Institute (TTI) covers part of the air fare for international students who need extra financial support to participate in our Summer Seminar 2023.
Scholarship available for HUST students in "NUS Enterprise Summer Programme in Entrepreneurship"

Scholarship available for HUST students in "NUS Enterprise Summer Programme in Entrepreneurship"

 05:18 06/03/2023

After the success of the NUS Enterprise Summer Program 2022 with an enthusiastic reception from 250 participants from more than 15 countries in general and HUST students in particular, the program in 2023 promises to attract many students who have a passion and entrepreneurial spirit as well as the desire to develop their own creative capacity
Toyota Technological Institute (TTI) JAPAN Research Internship Program in Academic Year 2023

Toyota Technological Institute (TTI) JAPAN Research Internship Program in Academic Year 2023

 21:58 01/03/2023

On-site research internship with scholarship. Intern students are allowed to audit courses when permitted by TTI supervisor and course lecturers. No credit granted.


 23:48 27/02/2023

The awardees will participate in a Student Exchange Programme (SEP) at NUS for 1 semester. From amongst them, NUS will select up to 5 students from HUST to be awarded the NUS Master's Scholarship (The NUS Master's Scholarship will cover the full tuition fees of the Master's programme).
Word Youth Skills Day (Asia Pacific) 2022 - The collective voices of 67 Youth Ambassadors from 11 countries

Word Youth Skills Day (Asia Pacific) 2022 - The collective voices of 67 Youth Ambassadors from 11 countries

 05:34 07/12/2022

Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) to be the representative from Vietnam in the World Youth Skills Day (Asia Pacific) 2022.
Poster Format G DORM Online 2022 Spring

Call for application:  the G-DORM Online Programs 2022 (Spring Program), organized by Niigata University.

 21:10 05/12/2022

NIIGATA UNIVERSITY (Japan) in collaboration with four (4) universities from Mekong countries - ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PHNOM PENH (Cambodia), NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAOS (Laos), CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY (Thailand), and HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (Vietnam) – has conducted “G-DORM Project” which has some student exchange programs aiming to develop global SciTech leaders capable of solving regional revitalization issues from an integrative standpoint.
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